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Hi, I’m Amy Lewis Bear!

I help smart, accomplished women in emotionally abusive relationships recover and use their newly acquired self-awareness and insights as a catalyst to thrive in their careers, lives, and relationships.

Is your partner emotionally abusive?

Take my free quiz to find out!

Hi, I’m Amy Lewis Bear!

I help smart, accomplished women in emotionally abusive relationships recover and use their newly acquired self-awareness and insights as a catalyst to thrive in their careers, lives, and relationships.

Is your partner emotionally abusive?

Take my free quiz to find out!

Are your dreams for your career and life thwarted by loving someone who does or says things that hurt you and it’s making you feel:

  • Oppressed, frustrated, anxious, and depressed
  • Isolated from family and friends because of how your partner treats you, and you just don’t feel good about yourself
  • Shame about what’s going on in the relationship and worry that it’s your fault
  • Hopeless because no matter what you do, nothing seems to work, and nothing seems to change
  • Distracted when you’re trying to get your work done or express your creativity
  • Just plain lost and disconnected from your joy and authentic self

I get it and I’m here to help you find the wisdom in your pain! 

“Yes, I am wise. But it’s wisdom born of pain. Yes, I’ve paid the price but look how much I’ve gained. If I have to, I can do anything. I am strong. I am invincible. I am woman."

~ Helen Reddy (1941-2020)

Hi, again!
I’m Amy Lewis Bear.

I’m an Emotional Abuse Recovery Expert and Personal Growth Liberator

My personal experience in overcoming a 10-year emotionally abusive relationship and 15+ years as a therapist is what I use to empower my clients. The insights and wisdom I gained through my painful experience freed me to achieve deep fulfillment and thrive in my career, life, and intimate relationship. I specialize in helping women transform their lives just as I did.

I’m YOUR compassionate guide who is here to help you:

  • Understand why your relationship went from charm to harm
  • Discover the reasons why your partner speaks to you and treats you in hurtful and upsetting ways
  • Realize the debilitating impact your partner’s emotional abuse has on your sense of self
    Identify and resolve the reasons why you partnered with an emotionally abusive person
  • Own that you’re a unique and precious woman who deserves to be loved and treated with respect
  • Recover your sense of self that you feel may have been lost
  • Make an empowered decision whether to stay or leave the relationship
  • Establish rock-solid boundaries to stay out of emotionally abusive relationships
  • Acquire the wisdom and confidence to pursue your goals and aspirations in life

Beyond healing – I’ll provide you with a roadmap and guide you through a transformative experience where you can become your truest and most empowered self.

Let’s get to know each other

I’m YOUR compassionate guide who is here to help you:

  • Understand why your relationship went from charm to harm
  • Discover the reasons why your partner speaks to you and treats you in hurtful and upsetting ways
  • Realize the debilitating impact your partner’s emotional abuse has on your sense of self
  • Identify and resolve the reasons why you partnered with an emotionally abusive person
  • Own that you’re a unique and precious woman who deserves to be loved and treated with respect
  • Recover your sense of self that you feel may have been lost
  • Make an empowered decision whether to stay or leave the relationship
  • Establish rock-solid boundaries to stay out of emotionally abusive relationships
  • Acquire the wisdom and confidence to pursue your goals and aspirations in life

Beyond healing – I’ll provide you with a roadmap and guide you through a transformative experience where you can become your truest and most empowered self.

Let’s get to know each other

What if you had as much confidence to own your worth in your intimate relationships as you do in your career?

You’d stop feeling unlovable and responsible for your partner’s behavior. You’d start feeling beautiful and that your words, feelings, needs, and desires matter. 

You’d believe in your heart that you’re worthy of being loved just as you are.

“If it wasn’t for you (Amy), I wouldn’t have seen my way clear. I never would have known what was happening in my relationship. His threats have no power anymore, once I knew the truth.”

“In therapy with Amy, I learned to face my fears and take power from it. I learned to react to my husband’s abuse with my authentic, powerful self.”

“I realized how I succumbed to him because of my own critical voice. I was giving up who I was because I feared being rejected. The person I’m getting back is better than the person I left.”

Work with Me

You’re amazing. Accept no less than to be treated with great love and respect.

Here’s how I can help you:

Read my Book

From Charm to Harm: The Guide to Spotting, Naming, and Stopping Emotional Abuse in Intimate Relationships

My ground-breaking book will empower you to recognize and describe emotional abuse tactics and their effects on you. Being able to spot hidden emotional abuse tactics and know their effects will help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

Buy now

Schedule a 1:1 Session

Online Consultation and Therapy

I offer 60- or 90-minute consultations as an expert in intimate partner abuse to individuals inside or outside the State of Georgia. For residents of Georgia where I’m licensed as a psychotherapist, I offer 50-minute psychotherapy sessions short or long term.

Learn More

Need a Speaker?

Book me to speak at your next event!

It’s my passion to help smart, accomplished women to not just overcome emotional abuse but also use the wisdom gained from healing as a catalyst to achieve their full potential in their career, life, and relationships.

Learn More

Learn with Me

I offer free resources to give you crucial insights into intimate partner abuse that will validate your experience, help you see the truth about your relationship, and learn ways to protect yourself.


Take my free relationship quizzes

These quizzes will help you recognize behaviors indicating serious trouble in your relationship that may be improved with specialized help.

Take the Quizzes

Watch my educational videos

My YouTube channel with educational videos will equip you to better understand emotional abuse and navigate your recovery.

Watch Now

Check out my blog

My blog has articles to help you quickly digest insights into emotional abuse and validate your experience.

Read Now

Are you ready?

Is it time for you to stop settling for less than your worth, especially in your intimate relationship?

Contact me to arrange a free 20-minute phone or video intro call to learn more about my services and tell me about your situation so we can determine how I can help.

Schedule a Call